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Say Something


On September 27, 2018, our daughter, Camryn, ended her life by suicide, thus bringing an end to a lifelong battle with mental illness. On the outside Camryn appeared normal, engaging in activities that others her age were involved in. But she could never understand why she felt the way she did.

Camryn's story is unique in itself, but it is not necessarily an untold story. Each year thousands of young people make the same decision: to walk away from their pain and their suffering.

People live everyday lives in a struggle. The struggle might be thoughts of suicide. It might be anxiety or depression. Or it could simply be a feeling of overwhelming helplessness. Even needing resources to receive services. Our charity aims to help not just those afflicted with suicidal thoughts, but anyone who feels a struggle to get through life.

The Say Something Foundation doesn't promise to put an end to suicide. Instead, our mission and vision is to raise awareness for those who are in the struggle, in addition to providing resources for those who need the help and/or want to help.

To Say Something is to encourage those who are in the struggle to have the courage to reach out and ask for help. But to Say Something also means to identify those in the struggle and have the courage to reach out and offer help.

The Say Something Foundation provides immediate financial support (when possible), provides resources for parents/youth/young adults, offers small support groups, and offers grief support groups.  Mostly, we just tell our story and share our experiences to help you determine a course of action.

Our Team

We are a non-profit organization that relies solely on volunteers of all ages.  We are over 100 volunteers strong, ranging in ages from 12 years old to senior citizens.  We train on the signs of suicide and then we train on how to apply our knowledge and experience.  Then we get out into the community wherever and whenever we can.  If you would like to become a volunteer just send us a message.  We would love to have you!

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